Full licensed & Insured Tree Services

Epping Tree Pruning

January 2024
Julian Parry

Hornsby Shire


1 day

Scope of work

The client brief outlined the pruning and shaping of a number of Camellia Japonica specimens, a cherry blossom, azalea and a native bottle brush. Weed specimens along the front boundary also required a reduction to ground level.


Challenges amounted to the sheer volume of different specimens needing attention and clearing near overhead wires.

End result

All work was completed with excellent overall results achieved.


A day of pruning in Epping began with some major deadwood removal from an old and gnarly bottlebrush (Callistemon) to improve the health, aesthetic appeal and general safety of the tree. Next, five beautiful Camellia Japonica and one equally impressive Camellia Sasanqua were pruned and trimmed to shape on the property to allow for better visual appeal and accessibility. One specimen situated along the fenceline was cut back to within the property boundaries and two large shrub forms at the rear were trimmed in line with the sill of an overlooking window. Two more, one along the front drive and another near the front door, were also pruned for visual appeal as was the nearby Camellia Sasanqua. A large cherry blossom tree (Prunus Sp.) was pruned to shape and crown lifted above the lawn by approximately 2 metres. An azalea along one side of the house was also reduced in height to 600mm. Further pruning above the roofline was carried out and all wires leading to the house were also cleared of any touching branches and leaves. Finally, some self-seeded weed specimens of camphor laurel (Cinnamomum Camphora) along with some broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum Lucidum­) were dismantled to ground level to allow for future grubbing out. The wide scope of work on this project was carried out efficiently and met all aspects of the client’s initial brief. A manicured elegant look was achieved on this project with a superb end result.

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