Warmth and sunshine, everything we love about the springtime and all the joy that it brings to gardeners and outdoor-loving folk everywhere has finally arrived!
Whether it’s the new lime-green leaves unfurling on a deciduous tree, the beautiful array of blossoms daubed on branches or the myriad of other garden wonders about to emerge from their winter slumber, there’s no better time of year to be outdoors. Whatever it is you love about this time of year there is a real sense of joy associated with it and I for one will breathe in every last scent of it… until hayfever gets the better of me – which is quite possibly the only downside to September and the arrival of spring.
Starting now, regular feeding and watering are imperative to support this eruption of new growth in the garden. Let the weather be your guide with watering – or maybe your finger in the soil up to the first knuckle to see how dry it is (works in pots and containers too). Mulch will also help to retain any moisture in your garden beds, so if rain happens, which is quite likely in early spring, then make sure you lock away all that moisture. A good feed at this time of year, general purpose or a specific fertiliser depending on species, will promote good health and growth before the summer heat sets in.
But right now, let’s just enjoy the best that spring has to offer!
September jobs to do now:
- Feed and prune citrus
- Check and clean irrigation systems
- Fertilise and top dress lawns
- Re-pot or refresh container plants