Spring is almost here, and with it comes the excitement of a new growing season. A wet July and a few chilly weeks in August have probably kept most of us inside up to now but, weather permitting, now is the time to don those boots and get your garden ready for spring. There’s still a few weeks to get everything in order before the weather starts to warm up and things ‘spring’ into action (sorry about that).
Take a stroll through the garden and make a list of jobs that need doing and make note of any areas that could do with a total revamp. You could draw up a plan as well as a list noting down any trees that may need removing on it, any damaged branches that can be pruned back, looking carefully for any signs of disease –generally you’re looking for any trees and shrubs that could use a tidy up or be removed altogether. There’s some pesky broad-leaf privet Ligustrum lucidum that has sprung up in my own backyard so I’ll need to get it removed before it spreads –and since it’s classed as a noxious weed in Sydney the sooner I get onto that the better!
If you are planning on removing some branches be careful if pruning spring flowering trees such as members of the crabapple family (Malus) and flowering cherry (Prunus) –you don’t want to cheat yourself out of their beautiful flush of early spring flowers!
Apart from tree removal and any general tree pruning you can also make a start trimming your established hedges. If you haven’t given them a winter prune as yet then now is the time to get their shape in order before the new growth begins. Topiary can also benefit from a manicure at this stage and much like your hedges a general shape can be cut and established before they explode into action in the months ahead –think of it as a template for the spring and summer.